Events, Featured notice

Official Agency of ACM, handling the village with 15,000 visitors per day.

VIP Hospitality Programs for the following Sponsors:

UBS, Nespresso, Audemars Piguet, SGS, Adecco, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Capitalia, Sector, North Sails, Murphy and NYE, Alfa Romeo, Emirates, Europcar, Fondiaria-Sai, and Kronenbourg.

With the organization of these acts, our company met the challenge of opening up the world of sailing to a public that once considered it to be a sport quite unrelated to their daily lives. We had to create a bond. We had to get up and move.

Our work consisted of setting the scene, decorating the stage and providing spaces with technical infrastructures. We also designed the content of the alternative leisure options for local citizens and visitors. Right from this first event, America’s Cup became something much closer to the hearts of Valencians.

Louis Vuitton has entrusted us with the task of staging all the closing events of the classifying pre-regattas for the Louis Vuitton Cup. These events brought in celebrities from Valencian society, the authorities and shipbuilders from all the various challenges taking part in the America’s Cup. As a result of the success of these events, we went on to organize the corporative hospitality for guests attending all the acts.

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