Events & Co organized the launching of the Renault Rafale launching (Seville / Aracena 700 pax)

Presentaciones y lanzamientos, Product launches and presentations

Events & Co organized the launching of the Renault Rafale , the central vehicle in the Renault range, symbolising the brand’s evolution towards the top of the range, taking its name from the legendary Rafale aircraft, a reference in the aeronautical sector and in Renault’s history.
The event, in a back to back format with 40 guests per day, took place at the exclusive boutique hotel Barceló Aracena located in the province of Huelva, 90 kilometres from Seville.
The journalists , coming from all over the world , were welcomed with a cocktail reception, followed by a product presentation and dinner.
The event also included, on the day of arrival, a photoshooting with a replica of the Rafale aircraft, at a heliport near the capital of Seville.
In addition to this, the lifestyle media and influencers , enjoyed a private visit and exclusive photoshooting at the Riotinto Mines, a unique and singular enclave in the province of Huelva, where American researchers from NASA have been studying, since 2000, the most Mars-like conditions that can be found on Earth, due to the singularity of the life in the river that naturally emanates reddish waters.

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